Arielle Emmett has charted IT and telecom development for 25 years. She has written for the International Data Group (IDG), SuperComm, Computer World, Network World, Datamation, Data Communications, InformationWeek, Federal Computer Week, the Wireless Internet Caucus, and dozens of top IT and wireless companies. Arielle also coauthored Direct Connections (New American Library, 1986), one of the first popular books on PC data communications.
In the late 1980s and 1990s Arielle was chief editor of three technology publications: Communications Consultant, America’s Network, and Wireless Integration. She has written or collaborated on many special issues and advertising supplements, and was guest wireless editor of The Cutter Journal of IT. In addition, she was the coauthor, editor, and agent for a McGraw-Hill book: Wireless Data for the Enterprise: Making Sense of Wireless Business (2001). For several years, Arielle was also the conference proceedings editor at the Wireless Internet Caucus (WIC), a part of the Cellular Telecommunications Industry Association (CTIA).
In the last 15 years, Arielle has reported on interrelationships between biology, computer systems, the environment, and scientific visualization. She wrote about drug discovery and bioinformatics for BioITWorld and The State of Bioinformatics in The Scientist, articles that inspired students at Drexel University to pursue the field.
In the aftermath of the devastating Hurricane Sandy in 2012, Arielle turned her attention to the environment. Among her projects: a long investigative piece on the effects of flooding and climate change on data center/IT networks for Computer World.
Arielle is particularly interested in companies using IT for health care, environmental remediation, and energy. Contact her here for more information.